Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Questions

What is ScioLink?

Scio’s Web application for sitting online exams under remote supervision (e-proctoring). ScioLink runs exclusively on the Google Chrome browser.

How does the remote supervision function in ScioLink?

Throughout the exam, video from the webcam, sound from the microphone, and the computer screen image are recorded. Moreover, processes run and devices connected are monitored by the Proctoring Desktop application. The recordings are evaluated in real time by artificial intelligence. If an infringement of rules is noticed (e.g. a forbidden object, or another person in the room), a record of the infringement is saved in the ScioLink application. In some cases, a warning calling to remedy can be displayed during the exam.

What is Proctoring Desktop expansion?

Desktop (classic) application which must be installed on the computer. The application monitors processes run and devices connected. The application is not authorized to save any data and has not access to any information except for the listing of programmes run and devices connected. If Proctoring Desktop application is used during the exam, the user is invited to download it and install it on his/her computer after entering the exam.

What are minimum technical requirements to sit the exam?

On-line exams require that your device meets these (or better) specifications:


  • Desktop or laptop computer
    (no tablet or phone!)
  • Webcam and microphone
  • At least 2GB free space on your hard drive
  • Processor dual-core 2.0 GHz or better
  • 8GB RAM


  • Operating system: Windows 10 or Windows 11 (x64 only); macOS Sierra 10.12 (or newer)
  • Browser: only Chrome (the latest version)
  • Screen resolution: at least 1024 x 768px
  • Javascript: Enabled
  • Cookies: Enabled
  • HTML5: Enabled

Internet connection

How can I get to know that the test has been successfully completed?

A blue icon that represents successful completion is displayed at the end of the test. The caption COMPLETED is displayed in the list of exams in respect of the exam in question.

What is Entry test (Mandatory Equipment Check)?

Entry test serves to check the compatibility of your device (to verify that the minimum technical requirements are met) and the preparedness for the on-line exam. The initial identification using a photo of your face and a photo of your identity card is part of the Entry test (we do not check room scans or the Entry test photos). This way you will get acquainted with the whole testing environment.

Are room scans from Entry test evaluated?

We do not check Entry test room scans, therefore it is not necessary for you to be in the same room as during the real exam. Even it does not matter if you fail to observe all rules laid down. They exclusively apply to the real test.

How can I get to know that Entry test was successful?

In the same way as with the exam. If the green COMPLETED status shines in the list of exams in respect of the Entry test, your Entry test was successful.

Questions Related to the Exam

What are the exam rules?

Strict and consistently exacted rules apply during the exams. Each exam has its own rules you will be informed about before the exam.

How shall I take the room scan correctly?

Please take the room scan really carefully – it must include both the recording of the room and the view of the complete top of your desk and beneath. When scanning the room, the webcam must do a 360-degree turn for you to show that you are alone in the room. When scanning the desk, it is important to show that there are no unauthorized objects on it as well as in your immediate surroundings. If there are papers to take notes on the desk, please show to the camera that they are blank. Please check authorized aids carefully in the exam rules before each test!

Can I take notes during the exam?

Each exam has its own rules – taking notes is permitted for some of them while it is not for others. The rules for your particular exam must be always obeyed.

Can I use an external webcam, a cordless mouse etc. during the exam?

Yes, you can use external devices but always only one may be active. The external camera must enable to go round the full circle (360-degree view).

What are the most frequent mistakes during the exam?

The most frequent mistake is insufficient acquaintance with the exam rules. If the rules say that the top of the desk must be completely empty, it really means a completely empty desk.

What identity card can I use for the exam?

In case your exam requires an identity card scan, you can use the identity card, driving license, or passport.

Solving the Most Frequent Technical Problems

How should I proceed in the case of technical problems before the beginning of the online exam?

If you face technical problems before entering the test (i.e. until you click on the Start Test button after having scanned the room), you can try the following steps:

  1. Check whether you use the newest version of the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Renew the page (press F5 key).
  3. Restart the browser.
  4. Restart the computer.
  5. Clear the cache of the browser (press keys Ctrl+F5 combined).
  6. Clear local storage of the browser. Click the right button at page and select the Inspect option. Select Application card, Storage bookmark and click on Clear site data. Then go back to the page and enter the test again.

What should I do if I have technical problems during the exam?

Do not take any of the steps described in the previous answer if you are already in the test! Please contact our customer centre immediately, which is receiving throughout the exam. You can keep a mobile phone in the room to that end, however, not in your close proximity. Please do not forget turning off ringing and vibrations.

If you want to contact us by e-mail, always describe the particular problem as exactly as possible. You can attach screenshots and/or information on your device (operation system version, Google Chrome version, or, depending on the nature of the problem, for example webcam type etc.). If you don’t, the whole communication may drag on, and maybe we won’t be able to help you in time.

After I click on the Start, an empty page is displayed. What should I do?

This can happen in exceptional cases. Do not panic: there is always a time window to enter the test. Please wait for about one minute and then update the page.

What happens if my internet connection fails during the exam?

The testing environment is designed in the way that an internet failure should not be any problem. Your passing through the test is saved in your computer step by step, and so even if you lose internet connection for a while, the test process will not be influenced thereby. If the failure is longer than 30 seconds, a warning of failure is displayed. After internet connection is restored, your data are recorded back to the test, and so your answers will not be lost. Attention: Data are not saved if you use anonymous mode of the browser!

What happens if my webcam goes off during the exam?

Re-connect the webcam to the device as soon as possible and restart your test (e.g. by F5 key in Windows). The fairness of your exam will be later reviewed by evaluators.

e-mail:  |  phone number (9:00-16:00 CEST / GMT+2): +420 234 705 555